Hypertension Research Springer Nature This publication is shifted to Online publication since January 2019 and no longer printed. If you wish the printed version, you can order it with JPY6,000 exclude tax via e-mail (hr-office@jpnsh.jp) |
Hypertension Research, an official journal of Japanese Society of Hypertension (JSH), publishes scientific investigations of high quality in the field of clinical and basic research of hypertension as original articles, reviews or editorial comments. Hypertension Research is an international scientific journal published by Springer Nature and its 2019 Impact Factor is 2.941 ranking among the top journal in the field of hypertension research. Hypertension Research also presents the best and the two outstanding researchers with JSH Novartis Award to incentivize the investigation of hypertension.
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The Japanese Society of Hypertension
Editorial Office of Hypertension Research