国際腎臓学会NEXUSシンポジウム「Hypertension and Kidney」についてのご案内
9月25〜28日にオーストラリアブリスベンにおきまして、ISN NEXUSシンポジウム「Hypertension and Kidney」が開催されますが、この度、Tomas Coffman会長より、多くの日本人の方にご参加をお願いしたいとのことで、以下のメッセージをいただきましたのでお知らせ申し上げます。
Dear Colleagues:
On behalf of my co-chairs Toshiro Fujita and Rob Walker, I invite you to join us for at the ISN Nexus Meeting on the Kidney in Hypertension in Brisbane, Australia on September 25-28, 2014. The ISN Nexus meetings focus on the intersection between cutting edge research and clinical practice and our meeting features an international panel of speakers who are leaders in the field. Topics to be addressed include current concepts of salt-sensitivity, perspectives on the use of renal denervation in hypertension therapy, treatment of hypertension in patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease, current concepts on the renin-angiotensin system, and the role of SGLT2 inhibitors in hypertension. The science will be terrific and the venue in Brisbane is spectacular. Please join us and submit an abstract. We look forward to seeing you in Australia this fall!
With warm regards,
Dear Colleagues:
On behalf of my co-chairs Toshiro Fujita and Rob Walker, I invite you to join us for at the ISN Nexus Meeting on the Kidney in Hypertension in Brisbane, Australia on September 25-28, 2014. The ISN Nexus meetings focus on the intersection between cutting edge research and clinical practice and our meeting features an international panel of speakers who are leaders in the field. Topics to be addressed include current concepts of salt-sensitivity, perspectives on the use of renal denervation in hypertension therapy, treatment of hypertension in patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease, current concepts on the renin-angiotensin system, and the role of SGLT2 inhibitors in hypertension. The science will be terrific and the venue in Brisbane is spectacular. Please join us and submit an abstract. We look forward to seeing you in Australia this fall!
With warm regards,